The movement of the following persons within and across areas placed under any form of community quarantine shall be permitted:
Personnel handling cargo
Movements of all types of cargoes by land, air, or sea within and across areas placed under any form of community quarantine shall be unhampered.
Workers (max of 5 personnel) in the logistics sector (e.g., cargo, trucking, courier delivery and port operations) shall be allowed to transit across areas placed under any form of community quarantine.
Health and emergency frontline services personnel
Government officials and government frontline personnel
Duly-authorized humanitarian assistance actors (HAAs)
Persons traveling for medical or humanitarian reasons
A travel authority is not needed when (a) you have a family or medical emergency and you’re traveling within the same province and/or within Metro Manila; and (b) you are leaving your province or Metro Manila because of a death in the immediate family, a critical medical emergency or treatment such as dialysis, or some other life-or-death situation.
A travel authority issued by the local police may be required when(a) you are leaving your province and/or Metro Manila to attend to a family or medical emergency; and (b) you are a locally stranded individual going home to your province and/or Metro Manila
A medical clearance certificate from the city or municipal health office is required to apply for a travel authority
If you’re traveling to another province within the same region, travel authority is to be issued by the chief of the city or municipal police station.
If you’re traveling outside your region or leaving Metro Manila, travel authority is to be issued by the director of the district, provincial, or city police unit.
Directors of higher police offices than the above can also grant travel authority.
Persons going to the airport for travel abroad
This includes Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs), students enrolled abroad and participants accepted in exchange visitor programs, permanent residents of foreign jurisdictions, stranded foreign nationals, and those leaving for medical and other humanitarian reasons.
This provision shall not be interpreted to allow outbound travel by Filipinos to countries where travel restrictions are in place.
Departing passengers may be accompanied by not more than 1 person when traveling to any international port, who shall be allowed to return to his/her point of origin.
Land-based or sea-based OFWs shall be allowed to be deployed abroad upon the execution of a Declaration signifying their knowledge and understanding of the risks involved as advised by the Philippine Government.
Returning or repatriated OFWs, and Overseas Filipinos returning to their places of residence.
Persons transported through the efforts of the national government upon conduct of the necessary quarantine protocols and with the concurrence of the receiving LGUs.
Anyone crossing zones for work permitted in the zone of destination, and going back home
A company ID and a certificate of employment is required when travelling.
Authorized shuttle services shall be allowed to travel within and across areas placed under community quarantine, with priority given to persons rendering health and emergency frontline services.
This refers to the transit of people and goods between localities with the same quarantine classification. Existing guidelines and practices stated on each quarantine classification on the movement between Local Government Units (LGUs) will still be observed.
Entry and Exit for of Persons in areas under ECQ and MECQ
The movement of persons across areas placed under ECQ or MECQ shall be limited only to those listed under Persons Allowed to Travel Across any Quarantine Classification.
Entry and Exit for of Persons in areas under GCQ
The movement of persons from GCQ to ECQ or MECQ areas, and vice versa, is not allowed and shall be limited to only to those listed under Persons Allowed to Travel Across any Quarantine Classification.
The movement of persons across areas placed under GCQ or MGCQ shall be permitted, except for leisure purposes.
Quarantine pass is not required to access essential goods and services, and travel for work within the same quarantine classification is permitted.
LGUs have the authority to impose curfews and require quarantine passes, as needed.
The movement of persons from GCQ to MGCQ or no quarantine areas, and vice versa, shall be permitted, except for leisure purposes.
Entry and Exit for of Persons in areas under MGCQ
The movement of persons from MGCQ to ECQ or MECQ areas, and vice versa, is not allowed and shall be limited to only to those listed under Persons Allowed to Travel Across any Quarantine Classification.
The movement of persons from MGCQ to no quarantine areas shall be permitted for all purposes, including leisure.
The movement of persons from no quarantine areas to MGCQ shall be permitted, except for leisure purposes.
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