General Community Quarantine (GCQ)
Minimum public health standards shall be complied with at all times.
Movement for leisure purposes is not allowed
Residents can only step out to access essential goods and services and work in permitted offices or establishments.
Persons not allowed to go outside*
Persons below 21 years old
Persons 60 years old and above
Persons with disability and other health risks
Pregnant women
Any person who resides with the aforementioned
Persons allowed to travel
Bearers of IATF IDs
Bearers of bona fide IDs issued by permitted establishments
Bearers of RapidPass IDs
Healthcare workers and other essential employees from permitted establishments
Pastors, priests, rabbi, imams, and other religious ministers (movement limited to conduct of necrological or funeral rites)
Payroll managers (and other employees that may be required to process payrolls and print payrolls)
Security personnel
Except when obtaining essential goods and services, or for work in industries and offices permitted to operate.
Movie screenings, concerts, sporting events, and other entertainemeng activities, community assemblies, and non-essential work gatherings shall be prohibited. Religious gatherings are not encouraged and shall be limited to not more than ten (10) persons.
However, gatherings that are for the provision of critical government services or authorized humanitarian activities while adhering to the prescribed minimum health standards shall be allowed.
The road, rail, maritime, and aviation sectors of public transportation shall operate at a reduced operational and vehicle capacity, in accordance to guidelines provided by Department of Transportation.
Face-to-face or in-person classes at all levels shall be suspended.
For K-12 basic education, the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (LCP) of the DepEd shall be adopted, as follows:
Opening of classes shall be on 24 August 2020 and shall end on 30 April 2021
Opening of private schools will be allowed within the period stated. Provided, that school LCP shall be submitted.From August 24, Face-to-face learning shall only be allowed when the local risk severity grading permits
Adoption of various learning delivery options
Conduct of curricular and co-curricular activities involving mass gatherings is cancelled
The recommendations for Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) shall be adopted, as follows:
The rolling opening of classes will be based on the following education delivery mode:
Full online education can open anytime Flexible learning can open anytime in August 2020
Significant face-to-face or in-person mode can open not earlier than 01 September 2020
No face-to-face or in-person classes until August 31
Private HEIs are encouraged to change their academic calendar and open in August 2020
These should be in compliance with minimum public health standards.
Full Operational Capacity
Agriculture, forestry, and fisheries
Business process outsourcing
Construction industries
Delivery services transporting essential goods
Food manufacturing and food supply chain businesses
Food retail establishments (supermarkets, grocery stores, food preparation establishments for take-out and delivery services)
Health-related establishments
Information and communications technology companies
Logistics service providers
Media establishments
Medical equipment and supply manufacturers
Real estate activities
Utilities: power, water, energy, etc.
50% up to Full Operational Capacity (with alternative work arrangement)
E-commerce companies
Delivery services of non-essential goods
Housing services
Mining companies
Manufacturing companies
Office services
Repair and/or maintenance services
50% Operational Capacity (with alternative work arrangement)
Accredited diplomatic missions and international organizations
Financial services
Legal, accounting, and auditing services
Other non-leisure services
Other non-leisure wholesale and retail establishments
Professional, scientific, and technical services
Entertainment industries
Gyms, fitness studios, and sports facilities
Hotels, or similar establishments with exemptions
Kids amusement industries (e.g. playgrounds, rides, and water parks)
Libraries, archives, museums, art galleries, cultural centers, and gardens
Personal care services (e.g. salon, massage parlors, sauna baths, etc.)
Tourism industries (beaches, resorts, travel agencies and operators)
Outdoor non-contact sports and other forms of exercise (e.g. walking, jogging, running, biking, golf, swimming, tennis, badminton, equestrian, and skateboarding) are allowed. Provided that the minimum public health standards are observed. Furthermore, operations of the relevant clubhouses or similar establishments shall be limited to basic operations.
Limited operations in malls and shopping centers shall be allowed, subject to the Guidelines of the Department of Trade and Industry.
Operators shall establish and maintain the following measures:
Limiting the number of people, or one (1) person per two (2) square meters
Reducing number of entrances
Only (1) companion for senior citizens, pregnant women, and persons with disabilities
Ensure social distancing (1 meter apart)
Standing on every other step of the escalator
Limiting access to elevators
Reducing the seats available for waiting
Regulate air conditioning to 26 degrees centigrade
Turn off free Wi-Fi
Salons and barbershops can reopen on June 7, 2020 at 30% capacity, subject to regular assessment of the IATF to gradually increase to 50% capacity every two weeks.
All public and private construction shall be allowed but with strict compliance to the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) construction safety guidelines.
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